[DRAFT] Large Language Models: An Illustrated Guide


Felipe Q. B. Almeida


July 22, 2024


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What this book IS

  • A book focused on examples to explain how Language Modeling started and how we got to where we are today.

  • A technical book aimed at people with some mathematical and programming knowledge.

What this book is NOT

  • A low-level book, explaining at code level how to build an LLM;

  • A book with mathematical proofs and big formulas;

  • A book on tools and frameworks to work with LLMs (Pytorch, Tensorflow, Huggingface, etc).

  • A general book about NLP. Read Speech and Language Processing by Dan Jurafsky and James H. Martin.

  • A practical book on how to apply LLMs to specific use-cases;

  • A book on how to approach problems introduced by LLMs and AI in general: hallucinations, jailbreaking, bias, existential risks, etc.


  • My family and my dog: For support throughout my life 😃

  • Aaron Clarey: Thanks for all the lessons and advice. Buy his books on Amazon and subscribe to his Youtube channel

  • Alan Watts: The person who’s had the biggest influence on my life. Buy his books on Amazon